Leaders: Continuous Learning for Personal & Professional Growth

When it comes to continuous learning, very little will set you apart more as a young leader than the desire to improve yourself, living with a growth mindset mentality. Others will notice; in some cases, others will be inspired to mimic your behavior. Followers aside, growing yourself places you in a position to better serve not just your work, but those around you. 

“It is what you learn after you know it all that counts.” – John Wooden

Consider the following tips if you desire a lifestyle that reflects continuous learning:

  1. Set learning goals for yourself: Define specific, but achievable learning objectives that not only support your personal growth, but your professional aspirations as well. These could include learning a new skill or simply expanding on your knowledge in a particular area.
  2. Seek feedback: Whether from peers, mentors, supervisors, or team members – each of these groups of people can help identify areas of improvement and opportunities to learn. Consider the insight that others offer and it will also benefit the growth of emotional intelligence as well.
  3. Utilize the resources around you: Find the time to invest in workshops, seminars, mentorship programs, or networking opportunities. Leveraging yourself in this way places you in position to grow alongside other business leaders as well. 
  4. Stay curious and stay updated: Consistently look to new developments, trends, and best practices in your field of work. Find ways to be engaged in reading or active discussion with topics that interest your area of expertise.
  5. Encourage a learning culture around you: If you are leading a team, encourage knowledge sharing or active collaboration. Find ways to encourage those around you who are equally committed to learning and growing themselves. 

How are you pursuing continuous learning in your personal and professional life?